Our Pastor

Pastor Matt and Cherie in the Adirondacks
T{error}{error}pppoker bônusHe has passion for advocacy, social/economic justice, and food. He loves gardening, hiking and any outdoor activities.


What are Lutherans all about?
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  • {error}{error}pppoker bônusbook of faith initiative and sign on!  
  • We confess our faith in God with the help of ancient creeds.  The apostles' and Nicene creeds {error}{error}pppoker bônus
  • We are Jesus' people, disciples and followers of the risen Lord.  His Spirit dwells in us, inspiring us to live like Him .
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  • The church is the assembly of all believers where God's Word is proclaimed and the sacraments are given and received.  
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  • The church is called to seek  justice {error}{error}pppoker bônus
  • The church demonstrates the gospel in word and deed.  
  • The church's mission includes responsible stewardship of the earth, its sanctity and created goodness, and all its resources.    
  • Christians pray.  We speak and we listen for God.  Jesus teaches us how to pray.  A praying church practices prayer.  Join us to learn how to pray.
  • {error}{error}pppoker bônusLower Susquehanna Synod.  65 synods form the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  There are over 10,000 congregations and approximately 4.6million baptized members in the ELCA.